How do you add intrigue to a minimal outfit?
I just finished my YouTube video on installing wood floors! We used yellow pine (cheaper but just as beautiful as heart pine). We used half 7″ and half 9″ boards. We wanted a rustic farmhouse look! I’d say we accomplished it. Here it is!
Flooring Stapler | Narrow-Crown Stapler
| Wood Floors | Mallet
| Miter Saw
| Air Compressor
| Flooring Staples
| SKIL Saw
| Jigsaw
| Felt Paper
| Staple Gun
| Floor Spacers
Here are the steps:
1. Measure your space and figure out how much material you will need. Square footage is calculated by multiplying length times width of each room. Add 10% to account for any damaged wood or mistakes that may happen!
2. Order materials and let them sit in the room for a few days! They expand/contract, so you want them to acclimate to the space they’ll be in.
3. Remove any previous wood floors, carpet, etc. You want a clean sub-floor (side note, if you have cement floors, you will want to GLUE the wood floors and not nail them). Make sure to sweep up any dirt, dust, etc. Scrape up any glue or imperfections. If you’re working on laminate floors, you can possibly lay wood right over it!
4. Roll out the Felt Paper before laying out the floors. You will want to staple it to the sub floor. Each row should overlap by a few inches.
5. Start on one side of the room and work your way across, tongue side facing out. Use a spacer to leave enough room against the wall (we didn’t use the spacers in the video, but they’ll be helpful if this is your first rodeo)!
6. Always start against a wall on one side and work your way across the room, one row at a time. Use the Narrow-Crown Stapler to face nail the board that runs along the wall about every 6 to 10 inches. These staples will be covered by the base board.
7. The rows following will be blind nailed on a diagonal using the Flooring Stapler. Cut one piece at a time. When you lay the piece of wood, use a Mallet
and spare piece of wood to get it into place. Make sure your pieces are staggered so the seems don’t line up as you make your way across the room.
I’ve linked to all of the supplies you will need! Feel free to comment with any questions! And be sure to watch the YouTube video for our tutorial! Next up will be staining these babies!! Can’t wait to share.