How do you add intrigue to a minimal outfit?

Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Ours was full of packing up the house, birthday celebrations, and good wine. Not too bad, right? It’s hard to believe we’re moving out of this house! It feels like we just got here. But, as I packed up over past few weeks, I thought of my top 10 packing tips, and I’d love to share them with you! Anything that can make a stressful situation a little easier is good in my book.

Top 10 Packing Tips
  1. Start Early – The thought of rushing and packing up an entire house in a week or two is beyond stressful. I like to take my time and pack over 4 or 5 weeks! Start in places like the attic and garage by organizing and labeling things in bins (like these) and purging a ton! Pack non essentials and stack boxes neatly out of the way. Pack a few boxes a day so it’s not overwhelming.
  2. Order Supplies in Advance – Order packing tapepapersharpies, a tape dispenser, and boxes (you can also search for boxes on Facebook Marketplace or other local apps) so you’re ready to go.
  3. Label Boxes Well – Label the top AND SIDE with the room and bullet points of what’s inside. That way when the movers stack boxes, you can easily scan and know what’s in each.
  4. Label The Rooms – Label the actual rooms CLEARLY to match what the box label says. Movers can put boxes in the corresponding room which will help with the unpacking process.
  5. Pack w/ the Future in Mind – Pack your storage unit or POD with your future in mind. By this I mean, pack the things you’ll need LAST, first and vice versa. For us, we’ll be moving in right before Christmas, so those boxes will be the last ones to go into the POD, so I can get my eager hands on them immediately!
  6. Phone a Friend – I’m WAY too much of a control freak for this, but I’ve talked to people who have made packing fun by inviting a girlfriend or two and enjoying some snacks and wine! How bad could that be, right?
  7. Pack For The Short Term – *this may not apply to everyone* If you are staying in a rental while you renovate, like us, pack and stack items that you need for your short term stay separately, so you can bring them straight to the rental.
  8. Pack Essentials Last – This may be obvious, but the things you use everyday should be the last to get packed. The final week we go to paper plates/utensils and plan a super easy menu (sandwiches, chicken nuggets, etc) so that we can pack up pots & pans, utensils, etc.
  9. Plan for Loner Than Expected – I hate to burst your bubble, but if you’re doing a reno, like us, it may take longer than expected. So if you’re staying in a rental, be prepared with MORE than you need rather than trying to rummage through your storage unit to find things. As they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry!
  10. K.I.S.S – Keep It Simple (you’re not stupid so I will end it there). I’m a firm believer in “less is more”. I’ve seen tons of cute hacks on how to move on Pinterest. But it turns out I’m more of the Amazon Prime mom than the Pinterest mom ;o) The effort I would use to color code and buy special stickers is one more step and expense (it reminds me of those holiday classroom parties you see for toddlers that make you feel bad about yourself. Just give them Chick-fil-A and a cheese stick. I promise they’ll be happy)! A regular old sharpie will do just the trick.

No matter how you slice it, moving is stressful and there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle! Don’t overthink it, take your time, use my top 10 packing tips, and stock your pantry with good wine. You deserve it!