Whenever I get asked what we do, I can’t help but think that it’s a loaded answer. Yes we own a renovation company, but it’s so much more than that.

Stew and I built our company after a series of unfortunate events. I had a very lucrative job that was taken from me in an instant (I guess that’s how the real world works). Shortly after that, we had a global pandemic. Stew was working as a contractor keeping us afloat by doing odd jobs and small renos by himself while I found myself suddenly working as a Homeschool Mom. It was a very hard season for us, to say the least. But, I believe that most great things are formed by the way we react to failure.

This Whole House

I could have crumbled, and I did for a short time. But, I had a very wise friend tell me to figure out what was easy for me and hard for other people. And that’s exactly what I did. I brainstormed what brought me joy and married that with my giftings. I took online courses during the COVID Shut Down to become a licensed designer and worked alongside Stew on his home renos. From the ashes birthed our company This Whole House.

I wanted to create a business that would be fulfilling but also make me smile. Not only that, but I wanted it to be accessible for all people with all budgets both near and far. It evolved over the years, but I couldn’t be more thankful with what we’ve built to this day! We still have huge goals and even bigger dreams that will hopefully come with time and being faithful to what is in front of us!